Saturday, September 7, 2013

Day 14

Posted by 雯雯 at 9:47 AM
It's already Saturday! Time sure flies quickly when you're having fun, and fun I've had. We started learning a form in martial arts class. I can't remember what it's called but I always love having a choreography to practice. We also started to learn how to do some impressive spinny flying kick, but I must admit I'm not completely there yet with it. I can spin, I can kick, I can wave my arm, but doing them all at the same time while keeping my posture is pretty tricky. At least my stretching is starting to pay off. I can actually hold my left foot now if I sit on the floor and stretch my legs out to the side.

We've also had more Chines lessons, which I've thoroughly enjoyed. We're still doing the first chapter in our book, which is about greetings and asking people if they're well. During Thursday's lesson we were asked to "perform" in front of the class in 2s, but only 3 people did it. The first pair was Mr. Prepared and his room mate E, and the other was me... well nobody wanted to go with me, so E went again. It was nice of him!
At some point during Thursday's lesson we started assembling Chinese decorations for the classroom. When Red Cross and I were done with ours, the teacher came up to me and launched into a long, quick ... somewhat one-sided conversation which just nodded and said yes to. I'm pretty sure she was talking about giving me extra work sheets so I could study for the HSK (a Chinese language test), so I smiled, nodded and said xiexie (thanks). She gave me some work sheets which I promptly finished, and the next day FT said I did them well and that they would see if it could be possible for me to take the HSK 3 when we go to China so I have something to work towards.

Speaking of the China class, there are 4 other China class members living in my dorm. There's Red Cross, Mr. Prepared and E, and also Anime, which, as Red Cross says, looks like he's come straight out of a Japanese animation. I'm getting along fairly well with Red Cross, Mr. Prepared and E since the day of the hike when we all walked together, but Anime moved into our dorm later and is pretty quiet. I'm quiet too, when I don't know someone, but I've been making an effort to get to know him more. I have horse-riding with him and Red Cross on Wednesdays, so we talked a bit then, and today we were both early for breakfast so I sat down with him and talked for a bit.

Ah yes we started electives. Guitar lessons was fun, and I've gotten a hold of Red Cross' room mate's guitar. She'll let me borrow it and play and she'll teach me as well, so I'm very happy. The horse riding was fun too, but very difficult. They brought horses out for everyone, I got a helmet, I stood next to the horse. Then the teacher tells us all to get on the horse and start walking. No instructions as to how you climb onto a horse, or how to start one. It went well in the end, I got up and my assistant got him going. After the newbies had tried a bit, the more experienced got their turn to practice, so Red Cross, Anime and myself took pictures. Many pictures.
My final elective is "ball games" which is just what you'd think. So after two hours of martial arts on Fridays, I have two hours of ball games. I enjoy it though, even if I'm horrible at volleyball. I manage in Norwegian dodge ball though!

Well, today we're going to Bergen. I can't recall what we're doing  but I'm sure it'll be fun. I'll see if I can take some good pictures!




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