Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bananas and winter

Posted by 雯雯 at 12:48 PM
Long time no... write..
It feels like my Chinese is inching on at a slow pace, so I'd better work harder!
Speaking of Chinese, I have a hard time in my Mandarin classes (aka Putonghua classes). The only thing I really only understand is when the teacher calls out my name ("Wu Chia Wen!"), despite passing my tests and such with a good margin (the passing grade here is 50%).
The classroom today....
Teacher: Wu Chia Wen!
Me: Yes?
Teacher: *Chinese*
Me: .... say what?
Teacher: .... do you talk on MSN with your classmates?
Me: *taken aback*
Hong Kong girls who were just talking to me: *giggle*

It's all good though, I suppose it'll be better.. hopefully.. As a side note, that MSN question probably sprung up because during my oral assessment (which was supposed to be about myself), I ended up writing down my MSN, mail, facebook and phone numbers, by request, in addition to teaching them all macarena. Extracts from that assessment also matches the pattern of the one above, only change the teacher out with classmate no. 1 and change the Chinese to "Can you dance for us???"

A school day in Hong Kong also follows the same pattern, this place is just full of patterns.
Today, this is how it went down.
6.14: Alarm clock rings. I drag myself out of bed and get into my school uniform.
6.21: I eat breakfast, a pineapple bun and a glass of milk.
6.35: I go out and head for the MTR. I'm a bit cold, and I shake my fist at the wind for blowing up my skirt.
6.40: The train arrives and I get on. Yay, it's so early that I get a seat! I almost fall asleep and start leaning on the lady next to me. She inches slowly away.
7.04: Arrival at Causeway Bay. I go to the school.
7.15: Early morning Tai Chi practice. Change this out for some other extra-curricular activity at will.
7.45: Tai Chi practice is done. I meet up with my classmates who're looking extremely cold. They fix up my uniform, apparently I was wearing it totally wrong. Funnily though, I bumped into the principal, and she said nothing about it.
Classmate: Ah what are you doing, you can't wear the uniform like that!
Me: .... wut? Really? omg...
Classmate: Tuck in your shirt!
*tucks in shirt*
Classmate: The school badge goes over the other one.... no place it higher! AND THAT'S NOT A SCHOOL SWEATER!
Me: I can't believe I wore it all wrong... and nobody told me before now D; *lists teachers she met while wearing the uniform inappropriately*
Classmate: Exchange student ><
(I'm very glad I have such awesome classmates who take care of me haha)
8.00: Assembly. We get in line, do morning prayers and all that stuff, listen to messages from various clubs and societies.
8-something: Finally, time for lessons. err... First one is English! Our teacher has to scold us for not doing our homework. We correct our tests.
8.50: My classmates have French/Chinese. I have two free lessons, and I chose to spend them in the library reading a gem of a history book I discovered the other day, about early Japanese history.
10.20: Recess! I tag along with my classmates to a meeting about a song lyric competition school is having. This school does so much stuff.... I'm almost jealous!
10.40: English Litterature lessons! We go through a poem, have some fun.
12.00: Lunch break. A bunch of people (including me) trek to McDonalds for food. I ate abnormally much. Weird.
13.00: Bell rings, we have form period. We spend it doing a test nobody will correct.
1.30: Quick math lesson. I don't understand shit.
2.10: Two Chinese lessons. We learn about talking about our families, and we also got our tests back. We received a writing task, to write about our hao pengyou (good friend).
3.30: School is over and we're free... for now. Two tests tomorrow. I go home and do some slacking.

So yeah, that's a regular school day. Always very eventful, and all our teachers are very great, in their own way.(Note that we don't eat McDonalds every day, I usually stick with beef rice -w-)
*scratches head*
Yeah... I think I should probably do more useful stuff -o-

edit: I notice that my posts are seldom related to the titles. Fuck that, I'll start writing titles last the next time o; I'll let the current one stay though, to remind me of not doing it again. For info, the temperature here (winter temperature) is about 12 degrees celsius, and a Banana is a Chinese person who's "westernized" (yellow on the outside, white on the inside). This expression possibly works with other Asians too.


Elysia on November 19, 2009 at 7:49 PM said...

(think thats the right spelling :S)

I found a Japanese history book too :P About the Edo Period. Reading it when I get a chance ^^

I think I may be a banana. I want to be more asian!

Take care xx

Anonymous said...

But, Ely, you are a cute banana!

Think Hilde is an egg? (White on the outside and yellow inside)

雯雯 on December 2, 2009 at 11:01 AM said...

I'm not Chinese enough to be an egg, my lovelies ;3


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